Ways to Deal With a Picky Eater

Tips For Dealing With A Child Who Is A Picky Eater

  1. Introduce new elements into foods that a child already likes. For example, offer blueberry pancakes, add fruit to a favorite cereal, mix small pieces of veggies into rice.

  2. Introduce one new food at a time. Start by having the child tolerate the food item sitting on their plate. When they are successful with this, have the child touch the food. Then have the child take one taste, etc.

  3. Include your children in the grocery shopping and food preparation so that they will feel “invested” in the meal.

  4. Keep healthy foods in the house and don’t buy unhealthy foods. When kids get hungry they’ll start munching on the carrot sticks. Have healthy finger foods available, such as cheese, fruit and veggie chunks.

  5. Have routine meal and snack times and stick to them.

  6. Encourage children to “eat their colors.” Eating a variety of brightly colored foods provides more nutrients in greater variety.

  7. Give children some choice: “You can have carrots or cucumbers for your snack.”

  8. Consider re-incorporating foods that the child ate in the past but no longer eats.

  9. Acknowledge positive behaviors and focus on mealtime as an enjoyable experience. Turn off the T.V. during meal and snack time. Eating as a family is a great way to catch up. 

  10. Remain calm and in control. Having a picky eater in the family can be frustrating.